St. Islander at Port Essington
Founded in 1871, Port Essington was a cannery town on the south bank of the Skeena River between Prince Rupert and Terrace.

Early Rupertites clear land
Photo colourization of an old photo taken in early ca. 1907-08

First Photographer in Prince Rupert

Ahousaht residential school picnic, ca. 1910
Photo colourization of a residential school picnic, Vancouver Island, ca. 1910

Dominion Day Parade, Prince Rupert, 1914
Dominion Day parade at the 600 Block on 2nd Avenue, Prince Rupert on July 1st, 1914.

Indigenous Daughters & Sons, Prince Rupert, 1909
As I started colouring this image of indigenous women and children, I started noticing more elements and subtle interactions between the people as they came to life. They seem as alive to me today as they did when James Allen took their picture in 1909.