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Featured Family History Inspiring Women Turtle Island Prince Rupert British Columbia Victoria
Here’s an animated, colourized photo of my paternal great-grandmother Bertha Hannah Carr-Harris. When I saw “Grannie Bertie’s” turn her face toward me and smile, I was eager to learn more about this young woman who projected such an air of self-confidence.
I colourized this 1875 photograph of my great-great-great grandmother and her family in Inverness, Scotland in 2020; and recently brought these figures to life through animation…
Founded in 1871, Port Essington was a cannery town on the south bank of the Skeena River between Prince Rupert and Terrace.
I’ve had quite a few questions about my coloured archival photographs of Knoxville…
Instead of "painting" a photograph, I decided to colour and animate one of my favourite paintings. Experimenting with AI, 3D software and photo compositing techniques I recreated Manet's A Bar at the Folies-Bergère.
Harnessing the power of the digital era to bring new life to old photos. For a free quote, submit your photos today!
I’m excited to launch my new website photopainter.ca! This website contains a collection of my colourization work and features my own family historical photos, as well as early British Columbia photos.
This video shows the process of me colouring an old black and white photo of my great-grandmother Christine, 2x great-grandmother Sarah, and 3x great grandmother Ann Rose (born in 1828!). Enjoy!
This new collection brings movement and colour to the black pioneers of Victoria, British Columbia, whose histories have been erased from official historical accounts.
Colourized photo of a ladies sewing group in Victoria, B.C.
Remember the times before social distancing? Here is a group of ladies going for an outing on a crowded streetcar in Victoria in the late 1980s...
With the need for physical distancing constantly on my mind, I’ve been drawn to crowd-themed photos. Here are a few fascinating photos from 1967, when hundreds of people of all ages converged on Beacon Hill Park to attend Victoria’s first love-in…
Vancouver and Victoria women’s field hockey teams have rivaled since the 1890s!
This week, while sifting through digitized photographs at the BC Archives, I came across a half-dozen historical photographs unlike anything seen…
Thrilled to discover this gem at the BC Archives! Emily Carr (1871-1945) was a Canadian artist and writer most recognized for her paintings of…
I restored these photos of my maternal grandmother Naomi Oudit. Naomi was born in 1904 in southern Trinidad. After her mother died of a snake bite